Sunday, March 12, 2006

Poland Pictures

Friends and family,

These pictures are mostly scenery and places we went; there aren't many ministry shots, I apologize. When we were with the Polish people, it was more about being real and talking with them than taking pictures of everyone...just in case you thought by looking at the pictures that all we did was have fun and not do any ministry! :)

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to start (they're in reverse order for some reason).
They are in chronological order, starting with Krakow, then Auschwitz/Birkenau, Katowice, and finally Gdansk.

To get a better view of each picture, just click on it and it will open in a new window, bigger and clearer.

Please feel free to make a comment about any picture(s) or anything else...I'd love to hear from you. To leave a comment, click on the "comment" button at the bottom of each post. There are 4 posts; one for each place I went.

Enjoy looking and reading, and thanks again for all your support!



Looking down at mountains in Greenland on the flight home

Leaving Gdansk at 5am...I don't blame Kate for yawning!

A Haller car dealership!

My dad is famous!!

During worship, I got to play the bongo drum!

Fellowshipping at the evening program

Me and Kate's upper-level class...notice the teacher, Lubow, holding onto my arm...ha, she was sometimes a bit too friendly!

Gdansk high school with some of "our" students

The king on his throne

Cool architecture

What an awesome castle!

Me at Malbork Castle

What a cute group of kids

Musical chairs at the orphanage

The frozen Motlawa River

The Green Gate

Neptune Fountain

Town Hall

St. Mary's Church - the 6th largest church in the world!

Great Armoury

Church in the Old Town

No need for sunscreen!

Beautiful sunset

I love this picture...look at the awesome horizon!

It was below zero...

Not exactly swimming weather...

Me in Sopot at the Baltic Sea, on the longest wooden pier in Europe!

Yes, this is really what the building looked like!!

A beautiful church in Sopot


Look how COLD it looks!

The 8-hour train ride to looked like Narnia outside!

Hanging out with high school students

A huge church!

A night on the town: left to right: Pawel, Me, Sebastien, Brian

Brian and Jon having a good conversation

Snowed-in FIAT - there were tiny cars everywhere!

The tram tracks

Our group at the high school

Me teaching about regions of the United States...we got our picture in the local newspaper!

Our class at the high school


A guard's view - looking out the front gate

What remains of the camp

As far as the eye can see...this place is enormous

Other part of the front gate

The front gate of Birkenau...trains bringing in the Jews came through this gate

The gas chamber...words can't describe going inside here

Imagine being a prisoner here...

Watch tower

A fence up close

The long rows of "barracks"

The front guard tower

The front fence

The main gate of Auschwitz